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How Local Pest Control Companies Remove Bed Bugs

October 17, 2023

As a homeowner, you want to sleep comfortably at night, but it's hard to do so when you have nasty bed bugs crawling around your sleeping area and biting you. According to OneDesk, four out of five hotels and motels have reported bed bugs in the last year. Luckily, you have local pest control companies that can get rid of this nasty problem at commercial facilities like hotels, as well as your home. Here are some successful ways these professionals get rid of bed bugs for good.


Before pest control companies can start exterminating bed bugs, they need to confirm that they exist in your home. A clear confirmation of bed bugs is waking up with bites that often resemble red itchy spots and welts. If an exterminator sees you have a series of those bites, that's often confirmation that you have bed bugs. Further confirmation can be if you collected a bug or two and put them in a plastic bag to show an exterminator.


Once the presence of bedbugs has been confirmed, it's time to detect exactly where they're hiding. The exterminator will continue to look for bed bugs in the cracks and crevices of your bed boards. These bugs can often hide in the seams of mattresses and box springs. You may even see bed bugs on your furniture and rugs. The adult bed bugs may look like apple seeds. Professionals can also detect baby bed bugs that are smaller and translucent in color, as opposed to the brownish black of the adults. Because bed bugs are so tiny, as they're only the size of a pinhead, it may be hard for regular homeowners to spot them on their own. That's why you should call your local pest control companies who know how to quickly do so.

Another effective method of spotting bed bugs is with dogs. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell that's capable of sniffing out a bed bug infestation in your home. There's a reason why dogs are often used to sniff out drugs or bombs in war zones. They're sniffing ability is very accurate, so they can quickly find bed bugs that may be lurking in dark and tight places that are hard to see on your own. The great thing about using canine inspections is that dogs can detect bed bugs even when they're at the tiny egg stage. Whether you have male or female adults or baby bed bugs, a canine inspection is capable of finding them.


Once your
local pest control companies have officially detected and found the presence of bed bugs, it's time to go about exterminating them. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to bed bug extermination. Most exterminators use pesticides around all the crevices and corners of your home. Some pesticides may be made from chrysanthemums. Pest control companies also use heat treatment, which is highly effective. They place heat chambers over furniture areas affected by the bed bug infestation. The extreme heat can kill bed bugs at any stage of life ranging from eggs to nymphs.

Another method is the use of bug bombs known as foggers. Unfortunately, this type of extermination technique is more effective for ants and cockroaches as opposed to bed bugs. During this process, pest controllers will set up plastic bags and tents filled with bug bombs around the infested areas. Prepare for the fogging process by covering or hiding any sensitive items. Before the fogging process begins, you'll have to leave for two to three days to avoid exposure.

Bed bugs are a terrible thing to wake up to every morning. While bed bugs don't spread disease or result in fatalities, they can cause any homeowner major anxiety and reduce the quality of sleep. After all, who wants to be known as a person spreading a bedbug infestation at work or amongst friends and family? If you suspect the presence of these annoying critters, don't hesitate to call a reputable company that can help you. Get the ball rolling by making an appointment at Northeast Pest Control Inc with our team so that we can ensure your bed bug infestation is detected and exterminated as quickly as possible.

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