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Northeast Pest Control Inc

Learn More About Albany, NY's Most Common Pests and Invasive Critters

As one of Albany, NY's leading pest control companies for over 40 years, Northeast Pest Control Inc has seen its share of pests. We've collected vital information below about the pests we most frequently encounter. Learn how to identify the invasive creatures you see, and call Northeast Pest Control today for a free home pest evaluation!

Identifying Ants

Ants are typically harmless, but some, like the fire ant, pack a fiery punch if touched. At Northeast Pest Control, we see three common species of ants in the Albany, NY area.

Carpenter Ants

  • Brown or black, sometimes a combination of black and orange
  • 3/8 to 1/2 an inch in size
  • A rounded thorax (the area just below the head)
  • Slim midsection
  • Slightly bent antenna

Pavement Ants

  • Light brown to black
  • Appendages are lighter than the body
  • Head and thorax have long, dark, parallel lines
  • 1/4 of an inch in size
  • 12 segmented antennae with a three-segmented club

Citronella Ants

  • Usually golden yellow in color
  • Winged females are golden yellow
  • Winged males are black
  • 1/4 of an inch in size

Treat – Protect – Control

There are many ways to address ant control. Sealing off access points and decreasing crumbs and leftover food waste are just a few.

Northeast Pest Control can help design a custom ant control plan to deal with any current infestation and prevent future battles from spiraling out of control.

Schedule your in-home assessment now!

Identifying Bats

Bat season typically starts in May and reaches its peak in August when temperatures are warmest, and bats become most active. Around June, female bats give birth to one to two baby bats. They make their presence known as they grow by entering the living space.

Brown bats are common and classified into two categories: big and little brown.

Big Brown Bats

  • Considered large for an American bat
  • Brown to glossy copper back fur with lighter belly fur
  • Small, round, black ears, wings, and tails
  • 12-16” wingspan
  • 0.5-1.2 ounces

Little Brown Bats

  • Small body from 2.5 to 4 inches
  • Brown to glossy copper back fur with lighter belly fur
  • Small, round, black ears, wings, and tails
  • 11” wingspan

Treat – Protect – Control

A bat in the bedroom or living area doesn't necessarily mean it entered through an open door or window. While it can happen, bats inside the home generally mean they've taken up residence in the walls or attic. 

A bat's food supply is outside, and bats are unlikely to stray into a building in search of a meal.

If you've seen a bat (or two) and noticed bat droppings (especially under entryways) or brown stains on siding and trim, it's time to let Northeast Pest Control Inc inspect. Schedule your home evaluation today!

Identifying Bedbugs

Bedbugs earned their name for the place they most commonly like to infest—the bed. They are parasites that live solely off the blood of humans and animals. Although they don’t fly, they move quickly and are agile enough to vanish into the tiniest crevices.

How Bedbugs Emerge

Bedbugs are often introduced into the home through luggage, used furniture, and clothing. They can sometimes occur while traveling from hotels and taxi cabs. You can even encounter them in offices, movie theaters, and restaurants. Once in the home, they tuck themselves into bed frames, box springs, and mattresses and bite throughout the night.

Features and Characteristics

  • Approximately 3/16” long
  • Oval, wingless, reddish brown bugs
  • Thin enough to hide in narrow cracks and small crevices
  • May emit a robust musty odor

Signs of Infestation

A common myth is that dirt attracts bedbugs. These pests can appear in both the cleanest and dirtiest of environments.

Dirt doesn’t attract them; their next meal of blood does. A bedbug problem can spread throughout the bedroom and home without proper treatment.

When left untreated, a bedbug infestation can quickly grow. Signs of a problem include:

  • Waking up with itchy areas you didn’t have when going to sleep
  • Dark, rust-colored spots of excrement on bedding, mattresses, and walls
  • Blood stains on your bedding or mattress

Treat – Protect – Control

Our trained staff of technicians and bedbug-sniffing canines can thoroughly check your home to confirm a bedbug or other kind of infestation.

Our canine companion has specific training to quickly and accurately detect pests, allowing us to speed up the creation of a specialized treatment and bedbug protection plan just for you.

Contact us today to schedule a home evaluation.

Identifying Bees, Wasps, and Hornets

An intrusion of bees, wasps, and hornets is rarely welcome. It can even be unnerving. These little pests can pack a powerful sting, which is particularly dangerous to those with allergies—especially children. When addressing a flying insect issue, it is critical to identify which type of insect is present.

Carpenter Bees

  • Mostly black but can be green or purplish
  • Males have a yellow face with white dots on their heads
  • Females are black
  • 1/2 to 1 inch long
  • Resemble bumble bees, but their abdomen is bare and shiny

Honey Bees

  • Black and yellow
  • 1/2 to 1 inch long
  • Distinctive barrel-shaped body
  • Covered in small hairs that make them look fuzzy
  • Pollinators and will fly between flowers and their nest

Digger or Ground Bees

  • Active in early spring
  • Dig nests in the ground similar in appearance to anthills but with larger openings
  • Black, yellow, and white in color
  • Important to pollination
  • Not usually aggressive; stings are uncommon

Bumble Bees

  • Vary in appearance but are typically plump and densely furry
  • Larger and broader than honey bees with a more rounded abdomen tip
  • Thick bands of color in an alternating black and yellow pattern
  • Important pollinators; not usually aggressive
  • In danger of extinction and need to be handled with care

Yellow Jackets

  • Often mistaken for bees
  • These wasps are roughly 1/2 an inch long
  • Black and yellow with alternating white bands on the abdomen (rear half)
  • Important predators of pest insects
  • Can sting repeatedly and the stinger can become lodged in the skin

White-Faced Hornets

  • Also known as bald-faced hornets
  • 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch long
  • Long, wasp-like body
  • Black and white pattern on most of the face
  • Will aggressively defend their nest by stringing an invader repeatedly

Cicada Killers

  • Large digger wasps
  • Range from 1/2 to 2 inches long
  • Black to reddish brown with black areas on the thorax and yellow stripes on the rear segments
  • Brownish wings
  • Not ordinarily aggressive; stings are uncommon

Mud Daubers

  • Wasps that build their nests from mud
  • Black with bright yellow legs and some yellow on the upper body
  • Roughly 1 inch in length
  • Long and slender
  • Not often aggressive; stings are uncommon

Treat – Protect – Control

Bees play an essential role in our ecosystem. While the presence of bees, wasps, and hornets can be problematic, it’s best to address treatment, protection, and control humanely.

We will create a tailored plan unique to your situation that ensures these “pests” receive prompt and humane handling.

Schedule your home evaluation today!

Identifying Beetles

The largest group of insects by species is the beetle, with roughly a fourth of all insects belonging to it. These tiny bugs can infest residential and commercial properties alike.

The most commonly found beetles are pantry pests or store-product pests. They feed on food stores and take up residence in pantries, cabinets, and storage areas with easy access to food.

Features and Characteristics

  • Beetles range from 1/100 inch to over 7 inches (titan beetles)
  • Brown to black in color with some varieties carrying red, yellow, orange, and green markings
  • Ladybugs and fireflies are classified as beetles
  • Winged and wingless varieties

Appetites and Effects

Beetle appetites are as diverse as their species. Some feed on food items like cereals, nuts, grains, pasta, and stored dry products.

Others devour odds and ends like tin or aluminum foil, prescription drugs, teas, book bindings, and more.

A beetle infestation can lead to significant property damage and health issues.

Fun Fact

Most beetles are not pests. Beetles that are pests will be found mainly on plant material or food and processed products. Signs of infestation include visibly seeing beetles crawling on surfaces or flying. You will commonly find pest beetles in pantries, cabinets, and the home's kitchen area.

Treat – Protect – Control

Let one of the trained technicians at Northeast Pest Control diagnose your beetle problem.

We will find out which species of beetle is present and create a custom treatment and protection plan to provide the best beetle control possible.

Schedule your home evaluation today!

Identifying Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world, and they elicit the same reaction the world over—ew! Roaches carry dangerous bacteria and present a health hazard to home and business owners and those who frequent their properties. No one wants these unwelcome house guests.

Features and Characteristics

  • Roaches enter buildings in search of food and are attracted to water
  • Cockroaches have flattened bodies
  • Are roughly 1/2” to 2” long
  • Light tan to dark reddish-brown in color
  • Long antennae
  • Six legs
  • Wings

Activity Patterns

Cockroaches are most active at night when foraging for food and water.

Seeing them during the day can indicate a large population and heavy infestation. During daylight hours, they tuck into cracks and crevices. 

If an infestation is present, you will likely see feces in the kitchen area, especially in cabinets and drawers. Their feces resemble coffee grounds.

You can prevent and control a possible roach infestation by limiting access to water sources and keeping a tidy environment free of food waste. Keeping food sealed in containers is also a big help.

Treat – Protect – Control

Contact Northeast Pest Control today to schedule a home evaluation if you suspect a cockroach infestation. Not only will we investigate and treat any existing pest problem, but we will also help you control and protect against them in the future.

Identifying Fleas

Pet owners are no strangers to fleas. Even the most cautious owner has dealt with a flea problem at some point. It’s also common for new residents to inherit a previous resident’s flea infestation. Non-pet owners can easily pick up these little parasites while visiting friends or traveling and later infest their homes.

Features and Characteristics

  • Fleas are small, at roughly 1 to 3mm long
  • They have oval-shaped, flat bodies
  • They are brown or reddish brown
  • Wingless with six long legs
  • Good jumpers

Behavior and Treatments

Fleas need blood to survive. While people often find them feeding off dogs and cats, they can also feed off humans. Their bites cause itching and can leave red marks on the skin. Dark-colored speckles or flea dirt can accompany a flea infestation.

Handling a Flea Problem

Successfully treating a flea problem requires multiple angles of attack. Pet owners must simultaneously address the environment and their pets to control fleas and exterminate them.

Fleas lay eggs on their host, which then roll into the environment. Carpets, cracks, and crevices; all these areas can harbor flea eggs. It is imperative to treat the whole environment thoroughly.

Treat – Protect – Control

Don’t let a flea problem cause a headache. Contact Northeast Pest Control Inc today to schedule a home evaluation. Our professionals will diagnose and treat your pest problem and help protect against future infestations.

Identifying Flies

Are you struggling with a house fly problem? You’re not alone. House flies are among the most commonly found in and around homes. Not only is their buzzing a nuisance, but they can carry disease. 

Their short lifespans make early detection and control crucial. They reproduce rapidly and in large numbers, creating the potential for a minor problem to escalate to a full-blown infestation.

Features and Characteristics

  • House flies are about 1/8 to 1/4″ long (4 to 7.5mm)
  • They have small, oval-shaped bodies
  • Dark gray with wings
  • Antennae
  • Six legs


House flies usually enter the home through ripped screens, damaged siding and weather stripping, and other breaks in a building’s structure.

They thrive in warm temperatures and are attracted to the warmer air from inside buildings. Left-out food and otherwise unsanitary conditions also attract them.

Treat – Protect – Control

Treating a fly infestation involves finding and disposing of their breeding site. Our specialists will investigate until they find the source of an existing infestation. They will then create a custom treatment and protection plan to help you achieve and maintain house fly control.

Don’t let flies become the latest buzz in your home. Instead, schedule a home evaluation today!

Identifying Mice and Rats

Mice and rats are easily confused because a young rat can bear a striking resemblance to a full-grown mouse. These pesky rodents are some of the most common to infest homes and businesses. Minor mice or rat problems can quickly escalate as these pests breed and adapt rapidly. 

How can you tell which pest is present? The best way to determine a pest problem is through the professional aid of a qualified technician. Northeast Pest Control can help you do just that with an on-site inspection. Here are some identifying factors of mice and rats that we see often:

House Mouse

  • Small and round at about 2-3” Light brown to black
  • Leave behind small droppings, pointed at both ends
  • Gnaw and chew on furniture, plastic, and cardboard
  • Produce dime-sized gnawed holes

Field Mouse

  • Small and stocky at about 4-6”
  • Brown to blackish-brown
  • Commonly mistaken for moles
  • Can seriously damage lawns and gardens
  • Leave shallow runways that crisscross

Norway Rats

  • Long body at 10-12” including tail
  • Brown, gray, or black
  • Nocturnal; seeing one during the day may signal a major infestation
  • Leave capsule-shaped droppings
  • Leave chew marks on food, power cords, and utility lines

Roof Rats

  • Long body at 16” including tail
  • Black
  • Love to climb
  • Live in high buildings
  • Leave capsule-shaped dropping and gnaw marks

Treat – Protect – Control

If our technician finds any form of pesky wildlife, we will create a personalized package just for your home and needs. We specialize in removing, treating, and pest-proofing.

From solving your current pest problem to helping prevent a future one, you’re in excellent hands with Northeast Pest Control.

Identifying Moles and Voles

Is your lawn or garden suffering from molehills or vole holes? It’s rare to see a mole above ground, but these critters leave visible signs of their presence. Mounds and raised ridges are common. You can find their surface tunnels can where grubs and worms are plentiful.

Voles leave different evidence. They create runways in the ground that range from 1-2” wide. Their burrow is generally marked by holes near tree bases and in lawns.

Moles and voles have distinct differences. Moles are meat eaters and dine on insects, earworms, and grubs. Voles are vegetarians and eat the roots and stems of various plants.


  • 4-7” in length
  • Short, black to brownish-gray fur
  • Paddle-shaped feet and large digging claws
  • Elongated head and snout, small eyes
  • Often dig tunnels in lawns and shrub beds


  • 5-8” in length
  • Heavy, round bodies, small eyes, short tails, somewhat hidden ears
  • Resemble field mice
  • Voles have prominent orange teeth
  • Often dig characteristic golf ball sized exit holes to their tunnels

Treat – Protect – Control

The most effective way to treat a mole or vole problem is by trapping and removing these pests. We achieve future protection and control by making your property less attractive as a potential home for moles and voles.

Contact us today to schedule your home evaluation. Not only will we investigate any current mole or vole problems, but we will also create a custom plan for protecting your home and lawn.

Identifying Mosquitoes

If you enjoy any time outdoors, you will appreciate a yard as mosquito-free as possible. Seeing at least a few mosquitoes in the spring and summer is almost guaranteed. These flying pests are most obnoxious and dangerous for their bite, which can spread diseases.

While contracting an infection from a mosquito bite is rare, these pests can spread West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (or Triple E).

Features and Characteristics

  • There are 3,500 species of mosquitoes
  • Around 175 can be found in the United States
  • 1/4 to 1/2”
  • Two wings
  • Hair-like scales covering their body
  • Pale brown to black, some with bright markings

Fun Fact

Mosquitoes don’t have teeth. A long, pointed mouthpart causes the “sting” accompanying their bite called a proboscis. It pierces the skin to locate a capillary and then draws blood through one of two tubes. Mosquitoes only draw about three milligrams (or a tiny “prick’s worth”) of blood.

Mosquito bites commonly cause severe itching and welts. They can turn any outdoor activity into a challenge. While bug repellants can help reduce their obnoxiousness, a growing number of mosquitoes invading your yard can become a real problem.

Treat – Protect – Control

At Northeast Pest Control, we are experts in mosquito control. We utilize the most effective treatments, which include:

  • Eliminating the environments surrounding your home where mosquitoes breed
  • Treating the places mosquitoes land
  • Controlling their return with monthly treatments

Contact us today to schedule your home evaluation!

Identifying Opossums

Opossums become problematic when they nest and forage. They can cause severe issues in both residential and commercial areas. Opossums are carriers of numerous unwanted pests.

Opossums can also introduce fleas, lice, mites, and ticks to your home area through their presence. They can also carry a protozoan known as Sarcocystis neuroma, which can cause neurological disease in horses.

Features and Characteristics

  • 21-31” long
  • 4-15lbs
  • Usually gray but can vary from red to brown
  • White-tipped guard hairs on their fur coat
  • Pointed face with large, hairless ears
  • Long, hairless, rat-like tail

Signs of an Opossum Infestation

  • Loud scratching noises similar to rats and mice but louder
  • Hissing and shrieking, clicking or lip-smacking
  • Damage to shingles, roofing, siding, eaves, and gutters
  • The smell is one of the most distinct characteristics of an opossum infestation; their droppings can soak into building materials and insulation, causing a pungent odor
  • If you have a pet, their food vanishing faster than usual can signal an opossum foraging

Treat – Protect – Control

Unlike their close relative, the possum, opossums don’t “play possum” or dead when threatened. They usually stand their ground and bare their sharp teeth when pets, other animals, or people confront them.

If an opossum has taken nesting in your home area, it’s best to have one of our experts investigate and handle the threat, so you avoid a possible bite.

In addition to handling opossums, we will also work to treat and protect your home area against future infestations. Contact us today for a home evaluation!

Identifying Racoons

Raccoons are highly intelligent animals that have adapted to life with humans so adeptly that they are now considered more urban animals than wildlife. They naturally forage for food and have learned that dumpsters and garbage cans are treasure troves. They’ve even figured out what great homes human houses and sheds make, and they can open a door by using the doorknob!

A racoon's foraging raids on garbage cans and dumpsters can cause any homeowner a headache. Their nighttime activities can leave behind knocked-over bins, scattered food remains, knocked-over items from climbing (especially in porches or sheds), traumatized pets, and even paw prints.

Features and Characteristics

  • Two to three feet in length
  • Stocky body with thick fur
  • Salt-and-pepper gray and black with a black “mask” over the eyes
  • Ringed, bushy tail

Signs of Rabies In a Racoon

Raccoons can sometimes carry rabies and are a significant host of the disease. Rabid raccoons are more likely to be active during the daylight and display critical symptoms, including:

  • Wet and tangled fur
  • Difficulty walking
  • Confusion
  • Aggression

Occasionally, a rabid raccoon will foam at the mouth or have watery eyes. If you suspect a raccoon is rabid, contact animal control immediately.

Treat – Protect – Control

Raccoons are a pest problem requiring qualified assessment by a properly equipped professional; this is Northeast Pest Control's specialty. Wildlife control factors must also be addressed to best control and protect against a future raccoon raid.

Identifying Squirrels and Chipmunks

Squirrels are, on average, larger than chipmunks and come in more varieties. While they may appear cute and cuddly, squirrels and chipmunks present a unique pest problem. They can be a homeowner’s nightmare and a significant expense, which is why we specialize in squirrel solutions and chipmunk control.

Eastern Grey Squirrels

  • Small body measuring about 10.5” and 8” tails
  • Change color seasonally
  • During summer, their coat is yellowish brown
  • During winter, their coat is thick and a more pronounced grey.

Red Squirrels

  • About 12” from nose to tail
  • Curved front claws
  • Reddish to reddish-gray fur with white belly and white around the eyes
  • During summer, a red squirrel can have a black stripe on its sides

Flying Squirrels

  • Small body measuring 5.5-6.5” with a 3.5-4.5” tail
  • Short, thick fur and bushy tail
  • Can be any color from white to gray to brown
  • Pale belly fur
  • Expert gliders


  • Categorized as a small ground squirrel
  • Small body measuring 5-6” long
  • Short, pointy head with two distinct white stripes
  • Black and white lines running the length of the back

Treat – Protect – Control

Squirrels and chipmunks can cause various problems, from property to yard damage. If their population grows out of control, they can severely hinder property upkeep and your wallet.

Our experts can troubleshoot any squirrel or chipmunk problem and implement a humane solution. Contact us today for a home evaluation to receive personalized squirrel solutions and chipmunk control.

Identifying Stink Bugs

Few pests decimate home plants, gardens, and crops like the stink bug. This pest invades in the autumn months and emits a pungent odor similar to coriander. The smell comes from stink glands, a defense mechanism to ward off predators.

North America is home to more than 200 species of stink bugs. The one you’re most likely to encounter in the Albany, NY area is the brown marmorated stink bug.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

  • About 1.7 cm long and roughly as wide
  • Shaped like a shield
  • Various shades of brown
  • Gray, black, off-white, bluish, and copper markings mimicking veined marble

Fun Fact

The stink bug is not indigenous to the United States. These bugs originate in China, Japan, the Korean peninsula, and Taiwan.

Biologists noted the first U.S. specimen in 1998. By 2010-11, the stink bug became a season-long agricultural pest.

Treat – Protect – Control

While harmless, the stink bug is a highly frustrating bother. It can wreak havoc with home gardens and be a farmer’s nightmare.

Contact the experts if you’re ready to treat and control stink bugs. Schedule your home evaluation with Northeast Pest Control today!

Identifying Termites

Termites are small insects that pack a giant punch. Their tiny mouths lined with saw-like teeth can inflict significant damage on buildings and structures. They feed on wood and products containing cellulose nearly non-stop. If not adequately treated and controlled, termites can cause an entire construction to collapse.

Subterranean termites make up about 90% of termite infestations in the U.S. Termites are often confused with carpenter ants due to similarities in appearance.

Subterranean Termite

  • 1/8 inch long
  • Creamy white to dark black or brown
  • Six legs and antennae
  • Long, narrow, oval bodies
  • Live in underground colonies
  • Build distinctive tunnels called “mud tubes” to reach food sources

Signs of a Termite Invasion

How do you know if termites are invading? There are a few signs to look out for:

  • Flying Termites: The presence of flying termites or swarmers is one of the first signs of a termite problem.
  • Head Banging: Quiet clicking sounds coming from the walls—the head banging of soldier termites—can indicate an infestation.
  • White Ants: Termites are light in color, usually white or creamy. They may look like ants but are not; ants are darker—black, brown, and red.

Treat – Protect – Control

Successful prevention includes limiting water accumulation near a building’s foundation.

Reducing humidity, diverting water away through functioning downspouts, and eliminating wood contact with the soil are all crucial factors in termite control.

If you suspect a termite infestation, don’t delay. Call Northeast Pest Control today to schedule a free home termite evaluation.

Identifying Ticks

The transmission of Lyme disease is the most prominent danger ticks pose. Lyme disease is a bacterial infection.  It can lead to several health problems if left untreated. When diagnosed early, patients are treated with antibiotics and usually recover rapidly.

People commonly find ticks infected with the disease in the Northeast (including New York State), upper Midwest, and along the Northwest coast of the United States.

New York State is home to three common types of ticks.

Deer Tick

  • 3-10mm long depending on sex and whether engorged after a meal
  • Brownish in color
  • Can have a rust or brown-red hue after feeding
  • Flat body with eight legs (a larvae has only six), ovular shape
  • Can transmit Lyme disease

American Dog Tick

  • 5-12mm long depending on sex and whether engorged after feeding
  • Brown with white to gray markings
  • Flat body with eight legs (a larvae has only six), ovular shape
  • Not thought to transmit Lyme disease

Lone Star Tick

  • 4-16mm long depending on sex and whether engorged after a meal
  • Reddish brown
  • Can change to slate gray when engorged
  • Flat body with eight legs (a larvae has only six), ovular shape
  • Can transmit disease

Treat – Protect – Control

Ticks inhabit densely wooded areas and relocate via their host. They don’t thrive indoors and arrive inside via human or pet carriers.

Contact Northeast Pest Control today for a home evaluation if you are concerned about ticks in and around your property.

We can treat an existing problem and help you devise a customized tick control and protection plan to help ensure your safety.

Identifying Woodchucks

Woodchucks, also known as groundhogs, may be cute during Groundhog Day, but they are binge-eating rodents capable of wiping out a homeowner’s vegetable garden. An adult woodchuck eats about 1 to 1.5 lbs of vegetation daily.

They also burrow, resulting in obnoxious holes popping up throughout your yard or property. Woodchucks hibernate for four to five and a half months over the winter, emerging to mate and give birth in the mid-spring. It’s no wonder they are such ravenous eaters during the following months.

Features and Characteristics

  • 4 to 14lbs
  • Can grow up to 3ft long
  • A squarish, stocky member of the squirrel family
  • Coarse, gray fur
  • Short legs, small ears, curved claws, and a short, bushy tail

Eating Habits

Woodchucks will eat and gnaw everything from vegetables to flowers, including fruit trees. Some of their favorite foods include:

  • Alfalfa
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Clover
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Soybeans

They dine the most during the early morning and afternoon hours.

Treat – Protect – Control

We specialize in humane woodchuck solutions. Our experienced technicians can help you encourage these destructive critters to go elsewhere.

If they are attracted to a garden, we can use deterrents to ward them off. Elimination of woodpiles and other nesting areas will also help control woodchucks.

Northeast Pest Control will develop a customized woodchuck solution plan for your home and property. Schedule your home evaluation today.

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